I am reaching out to request assistance regarding a performance issue we've encountered with the pydub library.
In our operations, we convert .mp3 audio files to .wav format for transcription and analysis. Recently, we've noticed a significant drop in performance during the conversion process. We tested the process on different machines to rule out hardware issues, but the slowdown persists.
If there are any updates or solutions available, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share them with us.
import os
import configparser
from pydub import AudioSegment
Dear Robert,
Good morning.
I am reaching out to request assistance regarding a performance issue we've encountered with the pydub library.
In our operations, we convert .mp3 audio files to .wav format for transcription and analysis. Recently, we've noticed a significant drop in performance during the conversion process. We tested the process on different machines to rule out hardware issues, but the slowdown persists.
If there are any updates or solutions available, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share them with us.
import os import configparser from pydub import AudioSegment
diretorio_entrada = 'DownloadsNXT' diretorio_saida = 'Arquivos_Audio'
os.makedirs(diretorio_saida, exist_ok=True)
arquivos_mp3 = [f for f in os.listdir(diretorio_entrada) if f.endswith('.mp3')]
taxa_amostragem = 44100 config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('par.ini') duracao_segmento_ms = int(config.get('Geral', 'duracao_segmento_ms'))
total_arquivos = len(arquivos_mp3)
for arquivo_index, arquivo_mp3 in enumerate(arquivos_mp3, start=1): caminho_mp3 = os.path.join(diretorio_entrada, arquivo_mp3) audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(caminho_mp3)
print("\nProcesso de Conversão Finalizado com sucesso...")
Best regards,
Marcelo Lima