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Perf is not enough #64

Open jiacai2050 opened 8 months ago

jiacai2050 commented 8 months ago


DuckDB 创始人的一篇文章,强调性能不是开发者选择一个数据库时的唯一指标,开发者需要的是一个更快的解决方案,而数据库自身的查询性能只是其中的一部分。

文中以 BigQuery 为例,Google 的工程师花了很多力气来优化性能,但是把 JDBC Driver 的开发外包了出来,导致用户在使用时,Driver 成了整个系统的瓶颈, 而 Google 的工程师本身是不用这个 Driver,因此复现不了用户说的问题。

hintymad 在 HN 上有个有趣的评论

The same lesson 30 years ago. WordPerfect insisted that their engineers write code in assembly to achieve maximum performance. Borland did not want to bet on Win32 because they wanted to have the maximum performance under DOS. Lotus-1-2-3 thought that it was ridiculous for Excel to use so much memory and had higher latency on Windows. In the meantime, Microsoft charged ahead with a focus on features and user experiences. The rest is history.