Closed barrars closed 8 months ago
Hi, I'm using the cli and would like to change the default styles. Is there a way to change these?
fmt_style_dict = {'Name': 'Default', 'Fontname': 'Arial', 'Fontsize': '48', 'PrimaryColour': '&Hffffff', 'SecondaryColour': '&Hffffff', 'OutlineColour': '&H0', 'BackColour': '&H0', 'Bold': '0', 'Italic': '0', 'Underline': '0', 'StrikeOut': '0', 'ScaleX': '100', 'ScaleY': '100', 'Spacing': '0', 'Angle': '0', 'BorderStyle': '1', 'Outline': '1', 'Shadow': '0', 'Alignment': '2', 'MarginL': '10', 'MarginR': '10', 'MarginV': '10', 'Encoding': '0'}
Use can use --save_option/-so to pass any arguments to result_to_ass().
-so "ScaleX=50" "ScaleY=50" "Underline=1"
Hi, I'm using the cli and would like to change the default styles. Is there a way to change these?
fmt_style_dict = {'Name': 'Default', 'Fontname': 'Arial', 'Fontsize': '48', 'PrimaryColour': '&Hffffff', 'SecondaryColour': '&Hffffff', 'OutlineColour': '&H0', 'BackColour': '&H0', 'Bold': '0', 'Italic': '0', 'Underline': '0', 'StrikeOut': '0', 'ScaleX': '100', 'ScaleY': '100', 'Spacing': '0', 'Angle': '0', 'BorderStyle': '1', 'Outline': '1', 'Shadow': '0', 'Alignment': '2', 'MarginL': '10', 'MarginR': '10', 'MarginV': '10', 'Encoding': '0'}