jianglikun / DeepTTC

DeepTTC: a transformer-based model for predicting cancer drug response
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Reproduce DeepTTC, some data and code file might missing? #1

Open jieegao opened 1 year ago

jieegao commented 1 year ago

hi,having read your work DeepTTA paper, I am trying to reproduce your results. but found some issues, coud you kindly provide some files or give me some answers and solutions ?

1.some code and data file may missing ? from lifelines.utils import concordance_index from subword_nmt.apply_bpe import BPE lifelines and subword_nmt python model can not found.

2.data files cannot found : rnafile = PATH + '/Cell_line_RMA_proc_basalExp.txt' smilefile = PATH + '/smile_inchi.csv' pairfile = PATH + '/GDSC2_fitted_dose_response_25Feb20.xlsx' drug_thred = PATH + '/IC50_thred.txt'

thanks for your time.

jianglikun commented 1 year ago

the files are already unloaded.

hub2nature commented 2 months ago

Are the drug coding helper files available?