jiangmiao / auto-pairs

Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair
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Conflict with Input Method #334

Closed zeoxion closed 3 years ago

zeoxion commented 3 years ago

When I use this plug my input method may have some problems that it will automatically transfer english to chinese when I type space.

LunarWatcher commented 3 years ago

Really need some more context here.

What OS? What input method? What keybind conflicts? Where is space a problem?

zeoxion commented 3 years ago

windows 10 the input methods is flypy:https://www.flypy.com/ and the rime also has the smae problems I use Shift to switch the language And I have tried another plug: https://github.com/Raimondi/delimitMate and there is a similar problem: when I type cr the input method will automatically switch form english to chinese...

zeoxion commented 3 years ago

I think there must be something worng with the win10 or gvim or something else. I have the same problem again and find out that another plug can also lead to this problem, which didn't occour before. So I think there is no use to debug. Thank you anyway!