To get the report of all the QC metrics with bamQC, it looks like I should use:
bamQC(bamFile, outPath = NULL)
To get the bam files cleaned up, it looks like I should use:
index = bamfile,
mitochondria = "chrM",
outPath = sub(".bam", ".clean.bam", basename(bamfile)),
doubleCheckDup = FALSE)
Am I correct?
Is there a way to get both the QC metrics and the bam files cleaned up at the same time?
Hi Jianhong,
Thank you again so much for creating ATACseqQC!
To get the report of all the QC metrics with bamQC, it looks like I should use: bamQC(bamFile, outPath = NULL)
To get the bam files cleaned up, it looks like I should use: bamQC(bamfile, index = bamfile, mitochondria = "chrM", outPath = sub(".bam", ".clean.bam", basename(bamfile)), doubleCheckDup = FALSE)
Am I correct? Is there a way to get both the QC metrics and the bam files cleaned up at the same time?
Thank you very much in advance. Best, Etienne