Besides the reads with low alignment scores, the reads derived from mitochondrial DNA and the PCR/optical duplicates, are there any other filters applied by bamQC?
What are the parameters used for removing the reads with low alignment scores?
Is it only reads with a MAPQ score (as in samtools view -q 30) below 30 (based on bowtie2 alignment) being removed?
Are any other reads being removed?
Hi Jianhong,
Besides the reads with low alignment scores, the reads derived from mitochondrial DNA and the PCR/optical duplicates, are there any other filters applied by bamQC? What are the parameters used for removing the reads with low alignment scores? Is it only reads with a MAPQ score (as in samtools view -q 30) below 30 (based on bowtie2 alignment) being removed? Are any other reads being removed?
Thank you so much in advance! Best, Etienne