jianhuupenn / SpaGCN

SpaGCN: Integrating gene expression, spatial location and histology to identify spatial domains and spatially variable genes by graph convolutional network
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How to run SpaGCN with histology as .png instead of .tif #85

Closed uthsavc closed 11 months ago

uthsavc commented 11 months ago

If it helps anyone, here is my code for when you do not have the .tif histology image and only have the png histology image, eg tissue_hires_image.png from SpaceRanger, and want to run SpaGCN. This issue was made in #7 and #31 but I had to write this code myself.

Basically, you need to use the scale factor in scalefactors_json.json to scale down the pixel coordinates. Specifically I created x_pixel and y_pixel using

scale=float( pd.read_json(f'path/to/scalefactors_json.json',orient='index').loc['tissue_hires_scalef'] )
x_pixel=np.array(adata.obs['x_pixel'] * scale).astype(int)
y_pixel=np.array(adata.obs['y_pixel'] * scale).astype(int)

Then when testing whether the coordinates worked, I multiplied the 20 by the scaling factor scale, i.e.

#Set coordinates

#Test coordinates on the image
for i in range(len(x_pixel)):
    img_new[int(x-20*scale):int(x+20*scale), int(y-20*scale):int(y+20*scale),:]=0

cv2.imwrite('map.jpg', img_new)

To create the adjacency matrix, you need to multiply b by scale:

#Calculate adjacent matrix
adj=spg.calculate_adj_matrix(x=x_array,y=y_array, x_pixel=x_pixel, y_pixel=y_pixel, image=img, beta=b, alpha=s, histology=True)
#If histlogy image is not available, SpaGCN can calculate the adjacent matrix using the fnction below
#adj=calculate_adj_matrix(x=x_pixel,y=y_pixel, histology=False)
np.savetxt('spagcn_adj.csv', adj, delimiter=',')

The rest of the code is the same. Hope this helps someone.