jianzhangcs / panini

Panini-Net: GAN Prior based Degradation-Aware Feature Interpolation for Face Restoration, AAAI 2022 (PyTorch Code)
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GLEAN: 'Panini_MFR is not in the model registry' #12

Open Sid-XXD opened 1 year ago

Sid-XXD commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your great work. Here I got a KeyError: GLEAN: 'Panini_MFR is not in the model registry' I have already installed the requirements. Actually, there is no problem I used it before. I have no idea what's going on. Looking forward to your answer. Thanks.

hcl14 commented 1 year ago

Don't forget to do pip install . in the panini directory after you install all the dependencides. Besides having its own customized mmedit folder, I see it installs mmedit 0.14.0 which is far not the latest version (while readme suggests to install the latest git).

Also, fix the last line in test_script.sh: it has wrong path to the checkpoint my_project/panini_sr/latest.pth instead of checkpoint/panini_sr_latest.pth.