jiarong / VirSorter2

customizable pipeline to identify viral sequences from (meta)genomic data
GNU General Public License v2.0
227 stars 31 forks source link

Is there a way to generate the "for-dramv" without rerunning the whole pipeline? #107

Closed peng-ye closed 2 years ago

peng-ye commented 2 years ago

Dear author,

Thank you for the great VirSorter2.

I used this tool in a larger dataset, which took a long time. Now I would like to use DRAMv which requires results from VirSorter2. Seems like those files required may be generated from intermediate files. May I know if there is a way to get those files without rerunning the complete pipeline with --prep-for-dramv? Or would you kindly indicate how to jump into that step directly?


jiarong commented 2 years ago

Duplicated issue with #106