jiayuasu / JTSplus

JTS Topology Suite 1.14 with additional functions for GeoSpark
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License? #7

Open snowch opened 7 years ago

snowch commented 7 years ago

What is the license for this project? Apache 2.0 would be nice :)

jiayuasu commented 7 years ago

Hi @snowch ,

JTSplus adds some new functions and code into JTS and so that it uses the same license of JTS (Eclipse license). The license is mentioned here: https://github.com/locationtech/jts

The new functions added by JTSplus will be merged to JTS main repository soon.

Thanks, Jia

geoHeil commented 7 years ago

@jiayuasu any idea when it will be merged? Currently, I need to combine geotools and geospark on the class path which results in a clash of JTS library (as this one is not properly recognized as it has a different artifact ID) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43414855/sbt-transitive-dependency-resolution-conflict

jiayuasu commented 7 years ago

@geoHeil , STR-Tree KNN search has been merged into JTS official repository 1.15-snapshot. But I don't think the rest of JTSplus (R-Tree/Quad-Tree spatial partitioning, Geometry equality check) will be merged into JTS because they are only used in GeoSpark.