jiazhihao / TASO

The Tensor Algebra SuperOptimizer for Deep Learning
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Some problem happened on different experiment platforms #33

Open HanskAlan opened 4 years ago

HanskAlan commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the great work, recently I 'm trying to do the experiments described in your docs, everything works fine except the experiments measuring the inference latency between mataflow and taso. It fails when I perform the experiments on our 2080ti platform,which gives information like this:

python3 nasrnn.py

Cuda failure: 2

but when I do the same experiment on our Tesla P100 platform with the same configuration(at least I have export the same environment variables in the ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile),I can successsfully execute the following command:python3 examples/model.py and get the expecting result, but when I enter the examplesdirectory and executepython3 model.py I get the following fail message:

python: /home/user/hanskalan/sosp19ae/src/core/substitution.cc:312: static void XFlow::GraphXfer::load_graph_xfer_from_pb_file(XFlow::Model*, std::vector<XFlow::GraphXfer*>&, std::__cxx11::string): Assertion `collection.ParseFromIstream(&input)' failed.
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By the way,I 've also tried executingpython3 examples/model.py on the 2080ti platform but it also fails with the same error message as before.

I wonder is there anything wrong when I reproduce the experiment ?Thank you.

jiazhihao commented 4 years ago

Cuda error failure is an out-of-memory error. Currently, TASO reserves around 6 GB of GPU memory for the cost model, which may cause OOM failure on some GPUs. You can reduces the reserved memory by changing L53 and L56 at https://github.com/jiazhihao/TASO/blob/master/include/taso/ops.h#L53-L56.

For the assertion failure, can you please check that you have successfully set the TASO_HOME environment, and you can find graph_subst.pb under TASO_HOME.

HanskAlan commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your patiently answer,but I still have some questions. When I followed the instructions described here image after building the Xflow runtime I found that there is no directory named python under xflow,and I found that there is a __init__.pyin the xflow directory, so I set the parent directory of xflowas the$PYTHONPATH,I think it should be correct since I can reproduce the experiment on our Tesla P100 platform,but on our 2080 ti platform it failed.Both platform has GPU memory over 10 GB, so I don't think the size of memory is the problem. The only difference I can think of is that I use ~/.zsh instead of ~/.bashrc on the 2080ti platform,which is the failed one,but I don't think it is the cause of my problem.

jiazhihao commented 4 years ago

It seems you are using the old instructions for install XFlow. You can find the up-to-date install instructions at https://github.com/jiazhihao/TASO/blob/master/INSTALL.md. Note that you no longer need to export PYTHONPATH in the new instructions.

Let me know if you still see the same errors after installing TASO w/ the new instructions.

HanskAlan commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help, and now I 'm able to perform the experiement I mentioned before, and now I have several problems: 1.When I 'm trying to measure the performance of nasrnn on our p100 platform it failed at the cosed-based search phase,and it gives messages like this:

python3: /home/user/hanskalan/taso/src/core/ops.cc:516: taso::Graph* taso::Graph::preprocess_weights(): Assertion `it->srcOp.ptr->outputs[it->srcIdx].data_ptr != NULL' failed.
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but it works fine on our 2080ti platform,which gives 4692 candidates,but it fails on our p100 platform when it gives about 8000 candidates, this is really confusing to me.

  1. I tried to measure the performance of tensorflow and tensorflow--xla on our 2080ti and p100 platform, and I succeed when I was using the old version of taso,which is xflow.But when using taso ,for some reason I a lot of demo fails,here are the results:


I wonder is there any differences between the codes in TASO and XFLOW?