Hello, firstly, thank you for making your code available! I was able to build and install TASO as described in the installation instructions. I am using an older GPU (NVIDIA GTX650) with CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN 8. I modified TASO to allocate less memory at startup and am able to run the ResNet50 and ResNext50 python examples.
However, it turns out that TASO is only applying a single substitution for each of these examples to generate the final optimized graph. This is the case even with higher values of alpha like 1.2 and a larger iteration budget. Also, I was able to verify that TASO is only loading around 130 rewrite rules from the graph_subst.pb file that is in the git repo. I was expecting this number to be closer to 700 (as mentioned in your SOSP paper). Are there any additional steps I need to run in order for more rewrite rules to be considered?
Hello, firstly, thank you for making your code available! I was able to build and install TASO as described in the installation instructions. I am using an older GPU (NVIDIA GTX650) with CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN 8. I modified TASO to allocate less memory at startup and am able to run the ResNet50 and ResNext50 python examples.
However, it turns out that TASO is only applying a single substitution for each of these examples to generate the final optimized graph. This is the case even with higher values of alpha like 1.2 and a larger iteration budget. Also, I was able to verify that TASO is only loading around 130 rewrite rules from the graph_subst.pb file that is in the git repo. I was expecting this number to be closer to 700 (as mentioned in your SOSP paper). Are there any additional steps I need to run in order for more rewrite rules to be considered?