jibs23labs / P5-Visualization

Experiments on Processing/P5.js
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Tutorial#102: Creating and Setting Up Node.js #2

Open jibs23labs opened 7 years ago

jibs23labs commented 7 years ago

Setting Node.js Tutorial Steps

Setting Up Environment for development | 15-20 mins

Install development Environment (IDE) Action: Download and Install Link: https://atom.io/

Install the P5.js package Action: Download P5.js Complete and unzip it. Link: https://p5js.org/download/

Create a dedicated folder in your drive for your experiments. eg: Folder name: P5Experiments/ Action: Copy the unzipped P5.js files to the above folder

Setting up Node.js Action: Download and install node.js Link: https://nodejs.org/en/

basic terminal commands: pwd: present working directory ls: list files cd: change directory

running a js file by node: node e.g node nodea.js

Installing a package https://www.npmjs.com/ npm install package npm install twit --save

Running npm npm init Fill in the details

Starting Terminal python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Reference source file: Weather Here RealTime Dashboard Action: Download the source files https://github.com/jibs23labs/P5-Visualization

Add JSON Formatter from google extension Action: Add google extension to browser Link:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-formatter/bcjindcccaagfpapjjmafapmmgkkhgoa?hl=en-GB

Process Approach

Concept Ideation Accessing API Evaluating API Parsing the JSON response Evaluating result via P5 Defining the logic Visual Design