jidn / LDS-org

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No Birthdays or Photos #3

Closed chadsaun closed 6 years ago

chadsaun commented 6 years ago

Do you know why I never get any birthdays or photos?

jidn commented 6 years ago

Do you have a code snippet I can look at?

chadsaun commented 6 years ago

When I run python -m lds_org -e unit-membership every single member has u'birthdate': None and u'photoUrl': u'',

If I log onto LCR I can see Age and Birthdates 🤔

jidn commented 6 years ago

That endpoint doesn't seem to provide it. However, you can get birthdays from the birthday-list endpoint. python -m lds_org -e birthday-list

Photos are in a similar vein. However, the photo-url is a problem with automatic substitution of unit number. The current logic doesn't work with it. I'll open another issue.

jidn commented 6 years ago

I have a bit of sample code on the README where I show getting a photo.