jiecaoyu / XNOR-Net-PyTorch

PyTorch Implementation of XNOR-Net
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XNOR for ResNet #21

Open XinDongol opened 6 years ago

XinDongol commented 6 years ago

I was wondering whether there is XNOR for ResNet. Or can you give some hints about how to implement it?

jxgu1016 commented 6 years ago

Also interested in XNOR for ResNet! @XinDongol have you implemented it yourself?

25b3nk commented 6 years ago

Has anyone implemented XNOR for Resnet ?

akhauriyash commented 6 years ago

I do not mind implementing ResNet for this if there is interest. However, I will not be able to train it. I think this task mostly just involves changing the class AlexNet here.

25b3nk commented 6 years ago

I have implemented XNOR-net for ResNet. Basically took the resnet.py from torchvision and added the binary Convolution classes from this repo's alexnet.py and then changed the convolutions in resnet.py from nn.Conv2D to BinConv2D.

XinDongol commented 6 years ago

I have implemented ResNet-XNOR and reproduce result of xnor paper. I will release it soon when I have time.

akhauriyash commented 6 years ago

@XinDongol could you kindly share the python models directory code for the ResNet-xNOR with me? Thanks!

dorian95 commented 6 years ago

I have implemented ResNet-XNOR and reproduce result of xnor paper. I will release it soon when I have time.

Could you please share it with me too? Thanks!

appleleaves commented 5 years ago

@XinDongol Would you like to share the python models directory code for the ResNet-XNOR or share the implementation idea?

blueardour commented 5 years ago

@XinDongol Any update on the thread?

legolas123 commented 4 years ago

I have implemented the xnornet ++ paper with resnet-18. You can disable alpha, beta, gamma(scale factors for activation) in model file(BinConv2d). Then you can have the xnornet for resnet-18. Btw xnornet++ is improvement over xnornet and my implementation reaches 60% accuracy for 1 bit activation and 1 bit width. The link is https://github.com/legolas123/cv-tricks.com/tree/master/xnornet_plusplus