jief666 / hdimount

Mount apple disk image (HFS, APFS, partitioned or not, compressed, encrypted) via Fuse
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 2 forks source link

openSUSE build - dependencies needed - for future reference #10

Open kapitainsky opened 2 years ago

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

if one day more detailed documentaion is created, if not for anybody who attempts to build this project on openSUSE here you are required dependicies:

zypper install gcc-c++ gcc make git libattr-devel fuse-devel libopenssl-1_1-devel zlib-devel

I post it as it differs (different packages names) from Debian/Ubuntu world most people are using

jief666 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. Yes, I plan to get back top this project. I'm delayed by health problem in the family. It's taking a lot of time. I'll keep that. Thanks.

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

take it easy. family first. it is very cool project and very clever implementation.

jief666 commented 2 years ago

Oh thanks. I think this is the first disk-image project with unit tests. I should advertise make some documentation and advertise it a bit. It'll be cool if it was more used. Also more motivation to maintain it...

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

definitely it has massive potential as there is nothing eqally functional out there as I am aware- in existing state it is quite hard core to use - I mean most people do not come close to compiling anything. I think just simple addition to documentation how to compile it on linux and windows would make massive difference. And some binary release.

jief666 commented 2 years ago

There is binary : https://github.com/jief666/hdimount/releases. But not OpenSuse.

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

it is a bit out of date and then not straightforward to use - e.g. most people will have no clue what to do with downloaded windows version.

It is not critisism - I have some outadeted github projects too:)

jief666 commented 2 years ago

Out of date ? You think they don't work anymore ? I still agree that documentation is needed. Ideally, a GUI front end would be nice, especially on Windows.

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

Debian 9 is history..... for example. GUI? yes would be nice but as long as I can come to this repo and read what to do in cmd it would work for most.

It is your project and you drive it as you wish:) just my two pennies' worth comment is that at the moment it is not straightforward. I would imagine I find your repo and can read what to do (windows/linux) to use it. E.g. without somebody commenting about how to compile it on Debian 10 I am not sure I would crack it.

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

BTW. I am not programmer - just know a bit of code and how to navigate issues.

jief666 commented 2 years ago

Debian 9 is history.....

I think the binary still works on debian 10. But not sure.

it is not straightforward

I totally agree.

kapitainsky commented 2 years ago

Debian 9 is history.....

I think the binary still works on debian 10. But not sure.

this is good example. Debian is sloooow but in v10 they moved on with openssl and it broke your binary.

normal story:


things left untouched decay:)

jief666 commented 2 years ago

openssl and it broke your binary I have a version that doesn't use openssl. I should have published that.

I still agree that work is needed.

monomycelium commented 1 year ago

Could we get some instructions (even minimal would do) to build this project? Many computers cannot run the distributed binaries, like my aarch64 machine on Arch Linux. Speaking of which, maybe add a PKGBUILD to build this in the AUR?

kapitainsky commented 1 year ago

Could we get some instructions (even minimal would do) to build this project? Many computers cannot run the distributed binaries, like my aarch64 machine on Arch Linux. Speaking of which, maybe add a PKGBUILD to build this in the AUR?

Clone the source code with submodules and run included build script:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/jief666/hdimount.git
cd hdimount/

To "install":

sudo cp ./build_release_linux-gcc-openssl_hdimount/hdimount /usr/local/bin/hdimount

I have also needed to install following dependencies:

On Debian: sudo apt install build-essential git zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libfuse-dev libattr1-dev

On OpenSuse Linux: sudo zypper install gcc-c++ gcc make git libattr-devel fuse-devel libopenssl-1_1-devel zlib-devel

you can easily figure out their equivalents on Arch Linux.