jiegenghua / paper-reading

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Something funny about joystick I find #27

Open jiegenghua opened 5 years ago

jiegenghua commented 5 years ago

This morning, I try to connect my ubuntu with joystick. Everything is ok as I did as the tutorial says. But one problem is my joystick can not control the robot. Then I try it on the ubuntu system in the computer room. It works. So I was wondering, what is the problem. The process I find the answer is a little intricating. First, I roscore----->rosparam------->rosrun----->rostopic echo----->, I find once I move the joystick, the data will change in the terminal.

Second I tried this process in my own computer, data changes whatever I did for my joystick even I plug out the joystick. I realized that something is wrong. Who is controlling my joystick? It reminds me I set rosparam as js0. So I decide to change it to js1.

Then it works. I was surprised. I still don't know why this happened. Maybe the js0 is occupied by some device, I guess. I have to ask the professor.

jiegenghua commented 5 years ago

OK, another thing happened. When I use vrep, I have to turn to js0 again? why js1 can't work but his morning when I run the turtlebot test, I have to use js1. So strange!!!!!