Thanks for your code it's pretty much exactly what i was looking for.
But i need to classify bigger text (around 500 words in one article), and it's gonna be in Russian language.
Can you advise how to improve code for this?
What do i need to change in config file?
batch_size": 256,
"dropout_keep_prob": 0.5,
"embedding_dim": 300,
"evaluate_every": 100,
"filter_sizes": "3,4,5",
"hidden_unit": 300,
"l2_reg_lambda": 0.0,
"max_pool_size": 4,
"non_static": false,
"num_epochs": 1,
"num_filters": 128
Thanks for your code it's pretty much exactly what i was looking for. But i need to classify bigger text (around 500 words in one article), and it's gonna be in Russian language. Can you advise how to improve code for this?
What do i need to change in config file? batch_size": 256, "dropout_keep_prob": 0.5, "embedding_dim": 300, "evaluate_every": 100, "filter_sizes": "3,4,5", "hidden_unit": 300, "l2_reg_lambda": 0.0, "max_pool_size": 4, "non_static": false, "num_epochs": 1, "num_filters": 128
What do i need to change for bigger sentences?