jiesutd / NCRFpp

NCRF++, a Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit. Easy use to any sequence labeling tasks (e.g. NER, POS, Segmentation). It includes character LSTM/CNN, word LSTM/CNN and softmax/CRF components.
Apache License 2.0
1.88k stars 447 forks source link

precision is -1, recall is -1 f1 score is -1 #82

Closed EricAugust closed 5 years ago

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

my config is `


train_dir=data/example.train dev_dir=data/example.dev test_dir=data/texample.test model_dir=save/lstmcrf







norm_word_emb=False norm_char_emb=False number_normalized=True seg=True word_emb_dim=300 char_emb_dim=300


use_crf=True use_char=True word_seq_feature=LSTM char_seq_feature=CNN

feature=[POS] emb_size=20

feature=[Cap] emb_size=20



status=train optimizer=SGD iteration=20 batch_size=128 ave_batch_loss=True


cnn_layer=4 char_hidden_dim=200 hidden_dim=200 dropout=0.5 lstm_layer=1 bilstm=True learning_rate=0.015 lr_decay=0.05 momentum=0 l2=1e-8 gpu=True


. and my sample data is: 在 O 此人 O 的 O 一再 O 推荐 O 下 O , O 小张 B_PER 的 O 母亲 O 换 O 了 O 一个 O 一千多元 O 的 O 燃气灶 O 。 O

不过 O , O 等 O 小张 B_PER 回家 O 之后 O , O 上网 O 搜索 O 才 O 知道 O 换 O 的 O 这个 O 燃气灶 O 并 O 不值钱 O 。 O ` I change use_char=False, p,r,f still -1

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

This is because your model is not trained well. You can see the acc value for reference. You can share your log file for more suggestions.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

Seed num: 42 MODEL: train Training model... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATA SUMMARY START: I/O: Tag scheme: BIO MAX SENTENCE LENGTH: 250 MAX WORD LENGTH: -1 Number normalized: True Word alphabet size: 93367 Char alphabet size: 5111 Label alphabet size: 17 Word embedding dir: None Char embedding dir: None Word embedding size: 300 Char embedding size: 300 Norm word emb: False Norm char emb: False Train file directory: data/example.train Dev file directory: data/example.dev Test file directory: data/example.test Raw file directory: None Dset file directory: None Model file directory: save/lstmcrf Loadmodel directory: None Decode file directory: None Train instance number: 48756 Dev instance number: 11601 Test instance number: 5980 Raw instance number: 0 FEATURE num: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Model Network: Model use_crf: True Model word extractor: LSTM Model use_char: False ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Training: Optimizer: SGD Iteration: 20 BatchSize: 128 Average batch loss: True ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hyperparameters: Hyper lr: 0.015 Hyper lr_decay: 0.05 Hyper HP_clip: None Hyper momentum: 0.0 Hyper l2: 1e-08 Hyper hidden_dim: 200 Hyper dropout: 0.5 Hyper lstm_layer: 1 Hyper bilstm: True Hyper GPU: True DATA SUMMARY END. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ build network... use_char: False word feature extractor: LSTM use crf: True build word sequence feature extractor: LSTM... build word representation... build CRF... Epoch: 0/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.015 Instance: 16000; Time: 16.67s; loss: 1257.2989; acc: 361901.0/388648.0=0.9312 Instance: 32000; Time: 16.45s; loss: 1017.1760; acc: 728406.0/779934.0=0.9339 Instance: 48000; Time: 16.75s; loss: 976.8528; acc: 1092761.0/1168973.0=0.9348 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.83s; loss: 49.5680; acc: 1110536.0/1188013.0=0.9348 Epoch: 0 training finished. Time: 50.71s, speed: 961.49st/s, total loss: 3300.8956022262573 totalloss: 3300.8956022262573 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Dev: time: 12.06s, speed: 972.83st/s; acc: 0.9253, p: -1.0000, r: 0.0000, f: -1.0000 Exceed previous best f score: -10 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.0.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.31s, speed: 655.88st/s; acc: 0.8924, p: -1.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 1/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.014285714285714285 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.53s; loss: 958.0479; acc: 364878.0/389743.0=0.9362 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.92s; loss: 940.4033; acc: 730714.0/780416.0=0.9363 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.93s; loss: 931.0096; acc: 1094975.0/1169534.0=0.9362 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.90s; loss: 42.4152; acc: 1112360.0/1188013.0=0.9363 Epoch: 1 training finished. Time: 54.28s, speed: 898.28st/s, total loss: 2871.875850200653 totalloss: 2871.875850200653 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Dev: time: 12.39s, speed: 947.35st/s; acc: 0.9253, p: -1.0000, r: 0.0000, f: -1.0000 gold_num = 0 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.54s, speed: 631.60st/s; acc: 0.8924, p: -1.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 2/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.013636363636363634 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.90s; loss: 916.0634; acc: 364379.0/389213.0=0.9362 Instance: 32000; Time: 16.73s; loss: 896.1602; acc: 730395.0/779832.0=0.9366 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.18s; loss: 900.7790; acc: 1095124.0/1169608.0=0.9363 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.81s; loss: 42.6174; acc: 1112360.0/1188013.0=0.9363 Epoch: 2 training finished. Time: 52.62s, speed: 926.63st/s, total loss: 2755.6200108528137 totalloss: 2755.6200108528137 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Dev: time: 12.16s, speed: 964.57st/s; acc: 0.9253, p: -1.0000, r: 0.0000, f: -1.0000 gold_num = 0 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.27s, speed: 650.77st/s; acc: 0.8924, p: -1.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 3/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.013043478260869566 Instance: 16000; Time: 16.73s; loss: 863.2110; acc: 363875.0/388137.0=0.9375 Instance: 32000; Time: 16.79s; loss: 870.7078; acc: 727458.0/776722.0=0.9366 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.74s; loss: 864.7939; acc: 1094755.0/1169257.0=0.9363 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.83s; loss: 40.6792; acc: 1112360.0/1188013.0=0.9363 Epoch: 3 training finished. Time: 52.09s, speed: 936.05st/s, total loss: 2639.39190864563 totalloss: 2639.39190864563 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Dev: time: 12.30s, speed: 954.03st/s; acc: 0.9253, p: -1.0000, r: 0.0000, f: -1.0000 gold_num = 0 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.24s, speed: 652.88st/s; acc: 0.8924, p: -1.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 4/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.0125 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.91s; loss: 848.1224; acc: 364788.0/389921.0=0.9355 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.35s; loss: 835.4852; acc: 729310.0/779431.0=0.9357 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.29s; loss: 811.4224; acc: 1094940.0/1169539.0=0.9362 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.81s; loss: 36.5612; acc: 1112356.0/1188013.0=0.9363 Epoch: 4 training finished. Time: 53.36s, speed: 913.73st/s, total loss: 2531.5912747383118 totalloss: 2531.5912747383118 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 2 right_num = 0 Dev: time: 12.28s, speed: 955.89st/s; acc: 0.9253, p: 0.0000, r: 0.0000, f: -1.0000 gold_num = 0 pred_num = 0 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.38s, speed: 642.48st/s; acc: 0.8924, p: -1.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 5/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.012 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.02s; loss: 798.1776; acc: 364159.0/388505.0=0.9373 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.21s; loss: 794.4603; acc: 729510.0/778414.0=0.9372 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.47s; loss: 803.5468; acc: 1095145.0/1169338.0=0.9366 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.87s; loss: 35.6094; acc: 1112702.0/1188013.0=0.9366 Epoch: 5 training finished. Time: 52.57s, speed: 927.49st/s, total loss: 2431.794246196747 totalloss: 2431.794246196747 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 551 right_num = 204 Dev: time: 12.23s, speed: 959.50st/s; acc: 0.9256, p: 0.3702, r: 0.0337, f: 0.0617 Exceed previous best f score: -1 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.5.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 255 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.41s, speed: 649.28st/s; acc: 0.8921, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 6/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.011538461538461537 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.56s; loss: 775.2189; acc: 365355.0/389864.0=0.9371 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.50s; loss: 767.5265; acc: 731120.0/780142.0=0.9372 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.55s; loss: 750.8440; acc: 1096357.0/1169444.0=0.9375 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.87s; loss: 36.9284; acc: 1113772.0/1188013.0=0.9375 Epoch: 6 training finished. Time: 53.48s, speed: 911.75st/s, total loss: 2330.51779794693 totalloss: 2330.51779794693 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 1264 right_num = 495 Dev: time: 12.15s, speed: 966.10st/s; acc: 0.9262, p: 0.3916, r: 0.0817, f: 0.1351 Exceed previous best f score: 0.06169665809768638 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.6.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 660 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.36s, speed: 652.44st/s; acc: 0.8920, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 7/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.01111111111111111 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.47s; loss: 739.2744; acc: 367219.0/391165.0=0.9388 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.54s; loss: 736.4028; acc: 732631.0/780651.0=0.9385 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.62s; loss: 719.3582; acc: 1097871.0/1169616.0=0.9387 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.94s; loss: 31.8277; acc: 1115246.0/1188013.0=0.9387 Epoch: 7 training finished. Time: 53.57s, speed: 910.11st/s, total loss: 2226.863118171692 totalloss: 2226.863118171692 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 1637 right_num = 677 Dev: time: 12.16s, speed: 965.39st/s; acc: 0.9267, p: 0.4136, r: 0.1117, f: 0.1759 Exceed previous best f score: 0.13513513513513514 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.7.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 809 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.34s, speed: 652.97st/s; acc: 0.8920, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 8/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.010714285714285714 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.67s; loss: 715.8281; acc: 365666.0/389718.0=0.9383 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.73s; loss: 691.6875; acc: 731195.0/778518.0=0.9392 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.42s; loss: 685.3437; acc: 1098911.0/1169328.0=0.9398 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.85s; loss: 33.1987; acc: 1116500.0/1188013.0=0.9398 Epoch: 8 training finished. Time: 53.67s, speed: 908.49st/s, total loss: 2126.058032512665 totalloss: 2126.058032512665 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 2031 right_num = 880 Dev: time: 12.18s, speed: 963.18st/s; acc: 0.9272, p: 0.4333, r: 0.1452, f: 0.2175 Exceed previous best f score: 0.17586699571372905 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.8.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1003 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.34s, speed: 652.51st/s; acc: 0.8913, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 9/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.010344827586206896 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.71s; loss: 672.8535; acc: 366316.0/389287.0=0.9410 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.72s; loss: 676.8826; acc: 734355.0/780665.0=0.9407 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.51s; loss: 662.7155; acc: 1101089.0/1170346.0=0.9408 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.83s; loss: 30.8140; acc: 1117695.0/1188013.0=0.9408 Epoch: 9 training finished. Time: 53.77s, speed: 906.74st/s, total loss: 2043.2654948234558 totalloss: 2043.2654948234558 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 2227 right_num = 961 Dev: time: 12.21s, speed: 960.88st/s; acc: 0.9276, p: 0.4315, r: 0.1585, f: 0.2319 Exceed previous best f score: 0.2174718892870382 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.9.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1078 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.37s, speed: 650.63st/s; acc: 0.8915, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 10/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.01 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.60s; loss: 644.4109; acc: 366570.0/389148.0=0.9420 Instance: 32000; Time: 19.28s; loss: 654.0172; acc: 736675.0/782283.0=0.9417 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.72s; loss: 640.6378; acc: 1101869.0/1169984.0=0.9418 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.87s; loss: 29.2982; acc: 1118885.0/1188013.0=0.9418 Epoch: 10 training finished. Time: 55.46s, speed: 879.08st/s, total loss: 1968.3641047477722 totalloss: 1968.3641047477722 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 2485 right_num = 1054 Dev: time: 12.26s, speed: 957.00st/s; acc: 0.9279, p: 0.4241, r: 0.1739, f: 0.2466 Exceed previous best f score: 0.23187356737845335 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.10.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1246 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.45s, speed: 645.41st/s; acc: 0.8915, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 11/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.009677419354838708 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.68s; loss: 631.4240; acc: 366747.0/389342.0=0.9420 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.83s; loss: 624.9867; acc: 735411.0/780235.0=0.9426 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.72s; loss: 618.2153; acc: 1102716.0/1169568.0=0.9428 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.86s; loss: 33.1386; acc: 1119982.0/1188013.0=0.9427 Epoch: 11 training finished. Time: 54.10s, speed: 901.30st/s, total loss: 1907.7646684646606 totalloss: 1907.7646684646606 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 2754 right_num = 1130 Dev: time: 12.16s, speed: 964.89st/s; acc: 0.9280, p: 0.4103, r: 0.1864, f: 0.2564 Exceed previous best f score: 0.24663624663624664 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.11.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1378 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.36s, speed: 651.84st/s; acc: 0.8912, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 12/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.009375 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.53s; loss: 608.2854; acc: 366014.0/387880.0=0.9436 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.81s; loss: 610.7275; acc: 734603.0/778519.0=0.9436 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.51s; loss: 606.5329; acc: 1103944.0/1169848.0=0.9437 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.99s; loss: 26.4471; acc: 1121184.0/1188013.0=0.9437 Epoch: 12 training finished. Time: 53.84s, speed: 905.54st/s, total loss: 1851.9929056167603 totalloss: 1851.9929056167603 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3260 right_num = 1237 Dev: time: 12.41s, speed: 945.60st/s; acc: 0.9279, p: 0.3794, r: 0.2041, f: 0.2654 Exceed previous best f score: 0.25635208711433755 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.12.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1662 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.43s, speed: 646.05st/s; acc: 0.8904, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 13/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.00909090909090909 Instance: 16000; Time: 26.48s; loss: 606.1129; acc: 367862.0/389940.0=0.9434 Instance: 32000; Time: 27.47s; loss: 587.4861; acc: 736105.0/779644.0=0.9442 Instance: 48000; Time: 27.00s; loss: 583.5399; acc: 1104429.0/1169428.0=0.9444 Instance: 48756; Time: 1.35s; loss: 30.0126; acc: 1121890.0/1188013.0=0.9443 Epoch: 13 training finished. Time: 82.30s, speed: 592.42st/s, total loss: 1807.1514234542847 totalloss: 1807.1514234542847 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3265 right_num = 1252 Dev: time: 12.49s, speed: 939.32st/s; acc: 0.9281, p: 0.3835, r: 0.2065, f: 0.2685 Exceed previous best f score: 0.2653936923406994 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.13.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1683 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.53s, speed: 639.40st/s; acc: 0.8905, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 14/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.008823529411764704 Instance: 16000; Time: 26.09s; loss: 583.7969; acc: 367289.0/388783.0=0.9447 Instance: 32000; Time: 26.72s; loss: 577.0665; acc: 734686.0/777559.0=0.9449 Instance: 48000; Time: 27.46s; loss: 578.3528; acc: 1105729.0/1170053.0=0.9450 Instance: 48756; Time: 1.36s; loss: 25.0701; acc: 1122771.0/1188013.0=0.9451 Epoch: 14 training finished. Time: 81.63s, speed: 597.31st/s, total loss: 1764.2863030433655 totalloss: 1764.2863030433655 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3464 right_num = 1279 Dev: time: 12.74s, speed: 921.69st/s; acc: 0.9282, p: 0.3692, r: 0.2110, f: 0.2685 Exceed previous best f score: 0.2684678889246274 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.14.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1802 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.64s, speed: 632.44st/s; acc: 0.8906, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 15/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.008571428571428572 Instance: 16000; Time: 27.54s; loss: 573.8195; acc: 369430.0/390709.0=0.9455 Instance: 32000; Time: 18.82s; loss: 566.2060; acc: 739649.0/782191.0=0.9456 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.63s; loss: 565.3736; acc: 1106409.0/1170083.0=0.9456 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.85s; loss: 25.1248; acc: 1123386.0/1188013.0=0.9456 Epoch: 15 training finished. Time: 64.84s, speed: 751.89st/s, total loss: 1730.52388048172 totalloss: 1730.52388048172 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3832 right_num = 1343 Dev: time: 12.25s, speed: 957.84st/s; acc: 0.9277, p: 0.3505, r: 0.2215, f: 0.2715 Exceed previous best f score: 0.26852823850514385 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.15.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1967 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.38s, speed: 649.95st/s; acc: 0.8892, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 16/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.008333333333333333 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.56s; loss: 560.1864; acc: 368128.0/389236.0=0.9458 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.68s; loss: 557.8418; acc: 736706.0/778948.0=0.9458 Instance: 48000; Time: 18.00s; loss: 551.7599; acc: 1106455.0/1169463.0=0.9461 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.86s; loss: 28.0625; acc: 1123954.0/1188013.0=0.9461 Epoch: 16 training finished. Time: 54.10s, speed: 901.26st/s, total loss: 1697.8506217002869 totalloss: 1697.8506217002869 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3993 right_num = 1374 Dev: time: 12.23s, speed: 960.15st/s; acc: 0.9280, p: 0.3441, r: 0.2267, f: 0.2733 Exceed previous best f score: 0.2714776632302406 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.16.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 2042 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.40s, speed: 649.94st/s; acc: 0.8894, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 17/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.008108108108108107 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.68s; loss: 542.4215; acc: 367827.0/388569.0=0.9466 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.68s; loss: 557.6564; acc: 736645.0/778488.0=0.9463 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.48s; loss: 543.5346; acc: 1106416.0/1169079.0=0.9464 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.87s; loss: 27.1097; acc: 1124370.0/1188013.0=0.9464 Epoch: 17 training finished. Time: 53.71s, speed: 907.72st/s, total loss: 1670.7221012115479 totalloss: 1670.7221012115479 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 3697 right_num = 1338 Dev: time: 12.21s, speed: 961.22st/s; acc: 0.9284, p: 0.3619, r: 0.2207, f: 0.2742 Exceed previous best f score: 0.2732968672302337 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.17.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 1910 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.38s, speed: 650.41st/s; acc: 0.8905, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 18/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.007894736842105263 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.54s; loss: 542.7670; acc: 368490.0/389513.0=0.9460 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.65s; loss: 539.7525; acc: 737404.0/779176.0=0.9464 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.84s; loss: 534.3007; acc: 1107366.0/1169616.0=0.9468 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.87s; loss: 26.7099; acc: 1124750.0/1188013.0=0.9467 Epoch: 18 training finished. Time: 53.90s, speed: 904.61st/s, total loss: 1643.530002117157 totalloss: 1643.530002117157 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 4045 right_num = 1402 Dev: time: 12.17s, speed: 964.46st/s; acc: 0.9282, p: 0.3466, r: 0.2313, f: 0.2774 Exceed previous best f score: 0.27420842299415926 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.18.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 2087 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.34s, speed: 653.48st/s; acc: 0.8897, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000 Epoch: 19/20 Learning rate is set as: 0.007692307692307691 Instance: 16000; Time: 17.58s; loss: 536.2504; acc: 370294.0/390973.0=0.9471 Instance: 32000; Time: 17.64s; loss: 533.7698; acc: 740258.0/781634.0=0.9471 Instance: 48000; Time: 17.48s; loss: 524.8374; acc: 1107478.0/1169427.0=0.9470 Instance: 48756; Time: 0.88s; loss: 27.1169; acc: 1125028.0/1188013.0=0.9470 Epoch: 19 training finished. Time: 53.58s, speed: 909.92st/s, total loss: 1621.9745783805847 totalloss: 1621.9745783805847 gold_num = 6062 pred_num = 4151 right_num = 1432 Dev: time: 12.22s, speed: 960.65st/s; acc: 0.9284, p: 0.3450, r: 0.2362, f: 0.2804 Exceed previous best f score: 0.27743148313050364 Save current best model in file: save/lstmcrf.19.model gold_num = 0 pred_num = 2141 right_num = 0 Test: time: 9.38s, speed: 650.06st/s; acc: 0.8899, p: 0.0000, r: -1.0000, f: -1.0000

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

gold_num = 0 in test dataset means no entity founded in the test dataset. Please check your test data.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

Besides, your learning curve seems slow, you can try more iterations.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

there are same label in test data. I don't know model treats it as 0.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

Generally, your label set should include label B-X, otherwise, no entity will be recognized.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

yes, I use BIO format, I can send you my data.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

Sure, please send me the data for me to reproduce this problem.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

@jiesutd Please check your email.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

@EricAugust Your test data has an incorrect data format. As I said before, your label set should include label B-X. While your test data has the B_X, refine this incorrect format will solve the problem.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

@jiesutd merci , thank you vary much.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

@jiesutd hi, I change tag label, and try to train a ner model. But I can't get a good model. I use cnn-bilstm-crf, batch_size:16 got f1-score:0.8039. I use bert- crf , batch_size: 16, got f1-score:0.798. Emmmm, I collect all chinese label data, they may be difference domain. But, I don't know why such model can't generate a higher f1-score.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

@jiesutd hi, I change tag label, and try to train a ner model. But I can't get a good model. I use cnn-bilstm-crf, batch_size:16 got f1-score:0.8039. I use bert- crf , batch_size: 16, got f1-score:0.798. Emmmm, I collect all chinese label data, they may be difference domain. But, I don't know why such model can't generate a higher f1-score.

The performance of NER depends on the data/domain. It’s hard to say how much F score is high or low unless their is baseline.

EricAugust commented 5 years ago

@jiesutd Is there any parameter which I can change?

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

You can change any parameters you want to tune your model.

jiesutd commented 5 years ago

Here are the main paremeters: https://github.com/jiesutd/NCRFpp/blob/master/readme/Configuration.md