jieunbyun / BNS-JT

Reference: Byun, J.-E. and Song, J. (2021). A general framework of Bayesian network for system reliability analysis using junction tree. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 216, 107952.
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Making a "branch and bound" function and a companion "system event quantification" function #20

Open jieunbyun opened 1 year ago

jieunbyun commented 1 year ago

I explained in our Overleaf document how the "branch and bound" function works and demonstrated it using our network example. It is in Section "Branch and bound". @hyeukryu, Could you take a look and make this as a function?

Also, I explained in the following Section "Quantification of system event" how a branch and bound result can be translated to a CPM. @hyeukryu, Could you also make this as a function?

Please feel free to let me know what you think.

dynaryu commented 1 year ago

I put some notes in the overleaf document. I managed to make it work but not sure whether correctly implemented or not. I also added function named get_cmat_from_branches which translates branch and bound result to CPM One thing I'd like to consider is more general case: multi states of the arc damage instead of binary.