jieunbyun / BNS-JT

Reference: Byun, J.-E. and Song, J. (2021). A general framework of Bayesian network for system reliability analysis using junction tree. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 216, 107952.
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config attributes #71

Open dynaryu opened 2 months ago

dynaryu commented 2 months ago

The current attributes are taken from without too much thinking of various applications of BNS. Now is the perfect time to discuss the attributes. Feel free to edit the list and add some comments.

  1. config

    • model_name
    • output_path
    • max_branches
    • max_sys_fun
    • sys_bnd_width_ratio
    • scenario_name
    • mcs_cov
    • configuration_id
  2. model

    • system
    • sysout_setup
    • origin_list
    • eq_scenario
    • fragility_data
    • node_conn_df (or edge_list) -: origin, destination, fragility_type, weight, link_capacity
    • component_list (or node_list) -: pos_x, pos_y, damage_states_constructor
  3. scenario

    • damage_states
    • scenarios
jieunbyun commented 2 months ago

Thank you for raising this issue. Re model, a general problem would consists of (1) hazard (eq_scenario, fragility_data), (2) system (system, sysout_setup, origin_list), (3) edges (node_conn_df), and (4) nodes (component_list). Could you somehow organise them this way? By the way, what do damage_states_constructor (in component_lsit) and scenario (numbered 3) mean?