jiexiong2016 / GCNv2_SLAM

Real-time SLAM system with deep features
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OpenCV Error #55

Open liubamboo opened 3 years ago

liubamboo commented 3 years ago

hello, thank you for your great work. but when I want to gpu to run the code. a bug appears: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (!src[i].empty() && src[i].dims <= 2 && src[i].cols == src[0].cols && src[i].type() == src[0].type()) in vconcat, file /home/n609/install/opencv-2.4.11/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 1794 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/n609/install/opencv-2.4.11/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:1794: error: (-215) !src[i].empty() && src[i].dims <= 2 && src[i].cols == src[0].cols && src[i].type() == src[0].type() in function vconcat

my env: ubuntu 18.04, gcc 7.5, opencv 2.4.11, cuda 9.2, nvidia driver 450 can you help me?