jiexiong2016 / GCNv2_SLAM

Real-time SLAM system with deep features
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已放弃(核心已转储) #78

Open mono0826 opened 3 months ago

mono0826 commented 3 months ago

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): The following operation failed in the TorchScript interpreter. Traceback of TorchScript (most recent call last): File "code/gcn.py", line 4, in forward def forward(self, input_1: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: input_2 = torch._convolution(input_1, self.conv1.weight, self.conv1.bias, [2, 2], [1, 1], [1, 1], False, [0, 0], 1, False, False, True)

  input_3 = torch.elu_(input_2, 1., 1, 1)
  input_4 = torch._convolution(input_3, self.conv2.weight, self.conv2.bias, [2, 2], [1, 1], [1, 1], False, [0, 0], 1, False, False, True)
RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [32, 1, 4, 4], expected input[1, 320, 1, 240] to have 1 channels, but got 320 channels instead

已放弃 (核心已转储)
