jiffyclub / ipythonblocks

Practice Python with colored grids in the IPython Notebook
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show and adjust coordinate axes? #34

Open retsyo opened 7 years ago

retsyo commented 7 years ago

this is actally 2 questions

  1. can we show the coordinate axes with arrow, i.e. x/y, when we call show()?
  2. I noticed that in ipythonblocks, x-axis is from left to right, y-axis is from top to down. But it is also common to use (at least) y-axis which is from down to top. Thnaks
jiffyclub commented 7 years ago

For your second request take a look at the ImageGrid class: https://github.com/jiffyclub/ipythonblocks/blob/master/ipythonblocks/ipythonblocks.py#L930 It defaults to a lower-left origin.