jiffyclub / palettable

Color palettes for Python
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Merge cubehelix into palettable #12

Closed jonathansick closed 9 years ago

jonathansick commented 9 years ago

I'm often importing both palettable for the qualitative/divergent maps and cubehelix from @jradavenport for continuous maps in my plotting projects. I was wondering: could we merge the cubehelix smarts into palettable?

I think the ideal implementation would be to make a cubehelix sub package containing a Cubehelix subclass of Palettable.

Cubehelix.__init__() would take the same arguments as cubehelix.cmap allowing a person to make an arbitrary cubehelix map.

The cubehelix sub package would also include several pre-baked cubehelix maps, like the colorbrewer and tableau sub packages already do.

@jiffyclub: would you be interested in a PR for this?

@jradavenport: would it be ok with you (given licensing) to take cubehelix.cmap and re-mix it into palettable?

(This is in the same spirit as #8 but I wanted to make a new issue for this specific proposal)

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

I'd definitely be glad to have cubehelix in here if @jradavenport is up for it!

jonathansick commented 9 years ago

Great. And I'm not sure I was entirely clear in my message, @jradavenport, but I can do the implementation of the PR. I just wanted your blessing first.

jradavenport commented 9 years ago

I'd be thrilled to have cubehelix integrated!! You definitely have my blessing, let me know how I can help!

jradavenport commented 9 years ago

Also it would probably help me touch up cubhelix.py to suck less!

jonathansick commented 9 years ago

Fixed by #13