jiffyclub / palettable

Color palettes for Python
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Other colormaps #8

Open chebee7i opened 9 years ago

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Would there be intterest in including support for other colormap families?

Other families I had in mind were Matlab's parula colormap (see here), d3 (see here), ggplot2 (see here), tableau (see here), and some of the ones shown here.

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

Definitely! I've already got some of the palettes from http://wesandersonpalettes.tumblr.com/ and I've been thinking about adding cubehelix. It'd be great to have a bunch of sub-packages with different options.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Great. I'll see what I can do in this upcoming week. cubehelix would be great (I think its available from matplotlib).

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Some things to keep in mind:

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

It would also be nice to include some of the colormaps in here:


especially the colorblind-sensitive maps.

chebee7i commented 9 years ago

Just adding more to the pile.

https://mycarta.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/perceptual-rainbow-palette-the-method/ https://gist.github.com/mbostock/11415064

mycarta commented 9 years ago

If you are interested in the MyCarta palettes mentioned by chebee7i, they are available as ASCII files here: https://mycarta.wordpress.com/color-palettes https://github.com/kwinkunks and I wrote on porting them them to matplotlib here https://mycarta.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/convert-color-palettes-to-python-matplotlib-colormaps/

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the links @mycarta!

QuLogic commented 9 years ago

Based on some discussion at matplotlib, I'm pretty sure Mathworks considers parula their IP, so I wouldn't risk including it if I were you.

tvashtar commented 9 years ago

For what it's worth the proposed new Viridis color map is up here. Matplotlib will have it in a few months, though.

darribas commented 8 years ago

+1 to include viridis in palettable. It's the only thing I miss in the library and it's become so popular that I think it'd make the library more attractive. Any chance it can be included? #please #please #please

kjyv commented 8 years ago

I'd also like to suggest some more palettes, especially one or some that are not organized (or ordered) as tuples but instead triples (I have a use e.g. for different types of coordinate data). Also useful would be palettes with more than 20 colors. As higher numbers of colors of course have less distinguishability, it would be nice if these were ordered in such a way that using e.g. only the first 10 makes these colors more distinct than using all of them. This discussion has some nice suggestions for that (including maximally distinct from all previous colors): http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/3682/where-can-i-find-a-large-palette-set-of-contrasting-colors-for-coloring-many-d

darribas commented 7 years ago

Carto just released a new set of color palettes, which are available in hex.

jiffyclub commented 7 years ago

Palettable 3.0 is out and includes some new palettes:

jiffyclub commented 7 years ago

Someone on Twitter recommended the colorcet palettes: https://github.com/bokeh/colorcet

flutefreak7 commented 5 years ago

+1 on getting more large categorical colormaps easily available. The stack overflow link shared above includes references to several historically significant color palettes that did this like the London subway and the color alphabet.


There's also Glasbey Colors that seems to be a very academically sound modern approach to maximizing the differences: https://github.com/taketwo/glasbey

A discussion about Glasbey color generation can be found here: https://github.com/pyviz/colorcet/issues/11

valentynbez commented 2 years ago

Adding this to the pile, commonly used by bioinformaticians and microbial ecologists. Might be useful for other folks: https://github.com/KarstensLab/microshades