jigish / slate

A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.84k stars 512 forks source link

Move application to specific desktop/space #355

Open henrik242 opened 11 years ago

henrik242 commented 11 years ago

When disconnecting and reconnecting external monitors, I realized that OSX doesn't put windows back where they were.

So, after reconnecting my monitors, is there a way to manually trigger Slate to:

I run OSX Mavericks.


napcae commented 11 years ago

Hey, did you took a look at the default or layout directive?


henrik242 commented 11 years ago

Yup, but I couldn't figure out how to address the monitors individually. Do I need to know the pixel distance from the primary monitor? I run a setup with two 24" monitors side by side above my MBP 15" display.

Westacular commented 11 years ago


Some operations allow you to specify a screen. Here are the list of possible values for screen:

  • Integer representing the screen ID (indexed at 0). Screens are ordered from left to right (by X coordinate of the origin which is the top-left point). If orderScreensLeftToRight is set to false, the screen ID is the Mac OS internal ID (indexed at 0). If orderScreensLeftToRight is set to false but you still want to reference screens in the default ordered mode, prefix the screen ID with ordered:.
  • Screen resolution in the format WIDTHxHEIGHT (e.g. 1440x900)
  • Screen direction relative to the current screen (left|right|up|above|down|below)
  • next or previous (represents the currentID+1 or currentID-1 screen)

Assuming the two 24" monitors have the same resolution, you'll need to use the first option to do what you want.