jigish / slate

A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.84k stars 509 forks source link

Um, how do you use it? #524

Open benknight opened 3 years ago

benknight commented 3 years ago

I just downloaded this and I haven't the slightest clue how to use it. Is there a keyboard trigger or something? All I see is a new icon in my status bar near the clock. I did a few searches and still came up empty. Am I taking crazy pills?

marskar commented 3 years ago

Hi @benknight, you can put a .slate file in your home directory with your custom keyboard shortcuts. Otherwise, you will be using the default configuration shown as in this .slate file: https://github.com/jigish/slate/blob/master/Slate/default.slate If you want ideas for what you can do with the .slate file, you can take a look at my config: https://github.com/mskar/setup/blob/main/.slate