jihopark / plainX-turkey

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Event Tracking Mixpanel #66

Closed jihopark closed 8 years ago

jihopark commented 8 years ago
EventType Event Name Description Properties
Screen Main ScreenType Event will have queryParams as properties
Screen OfferDetail
Screen OfferList
Screen MakeOffer
Screen OfferConfirmation
Screen OfferSubmitted
Screen Login
Screen SignUp
Screen MyOffers
Screen Conversations
Screen ConversationRoom
Screen WebView
Action FinishTutorial Sees til the end of tutorial
Action ClickCurrency Clicks on currency CardName
Action ChangeCurrency Changes currency CardName Currency BuyOrSell
Action ChangeCurrencyAmount Change amount on currency CardName BuyOrSell Currency Amount
Action ClickExpiry Clicks on date
Action ChangeExpiry Change Expiry Date
Action SelectLocation Select Location LocationName Select:boolean
Action ClickSideMenu Click Menu button on the top left
Action ClickMessages Clicks the message icon on the top right ScreenName
Action WrongLogin Input wrong credentials
Action Login Sucessfully Logs in
Action SignUp Sign Up
Action ConnectOffer Connects to offer
Action RemoveOffer Remove own offer
Action SendMessage Send a message on Chat
Action SubmitFeedback Submit feedback
jihopark commented 8 years ago

should think about what to track in actions, due to limited data points in mixpanel

jihopark commented 8 years ago

for now just track the screens