jijinggang / MarkdownEditor

Lightweight markdown editor written for windows,only one GREEN exe file
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Markdown处理器 #11

Open zydxhs opened 8 years ago

zydxhs commented 8 years ago

现在的 markdown 处理器,功能太弱,不实用。 希望增加表格支持、代码高亮、自动换行 等扩展功能。

badrelmers commented 1 year ago

table is supported you need only to use the css copy this https://github.com/jijinggang/MarkdownEditor/blob/master/src/res/user.css and past it near the executable result: image

test example:

## How to install it

italic *italic* , kbd <kbd>Install</kbd>. bold **bold** , code `code` etc). [link][1]

> bloquequote


Name | Lunch order | Spicy      | Owes
------- | ---------------- | ---------- | ---------:
Joan  | saag paneer | medium | $11
Sally  | vindaloo        | mild       | $14
Erin   | lamb madras | HOT      | $5

// All the code you will ever need
var hw = "Hello World!"

- It supports CommonMark
- You can export the result to HTML or to PDF

$-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} \over 2a$