jilarganti / arvis

Arvis project monorepo: AI-enhanced video meetings
MIT License
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get rid of nx #33

Closed jilarganti closed 1 month ago

jilarganti commented 1 month ago

remove config & pkg

"changelog": "export GH_TOKEN=$(gh auth token) && echo \"GH_TOKEN: $GH_TOKEN\" && nx reset && nx release --dry-run --verbose", "release": "export GH_TOKEN=$(gh auth token) && nx release --skip-publish",

` { // https://nx.dev/reference/nx-json#nx-cloud // https://github.com/nrwl/nx/blob/master/packages/nx/src/config/nx-json.ts#L146 //* https://github.com/nrwl/nx/blob/master/nx.json "$schema": "./node_modules/nx/schemas/nx-schema.json", "targetDefaults": { "build": { "dependsOn": ["^build"], "cache": false }, "test": { "dependsOn": ["^build"], "cache": true } }, "tasksRunnerOptions": { "default": { "runner": "@vercel/remote-nx", "options": { "token": "NX_VERCEL_REMOTE_CACHE_TOKEN", "teamId": "NX_VERCEL_REMOTE_CACHE_TEAM" } } }, // "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/nx-cache", /** For example, if the git history looks like this:

    - fix(a.r.v.i.s.): fix something
    - feat(a.r.v.i.s.): add a new feature
    - docs(site): update docs
    - perf!: drop support for Node 6 => 1.0.0
"release": {
    //* https://nx.dev/recipes/nx-release/get-started-with-nx-release
    "projects": ["a.r.v.i.s.", "site"],
    //* https://nx.dev/recipes/nx-release/automatically-version-with-conventional-commits
    "version": {
        "conventionalCommits": true
    //* https://nx.dev/recipes/nx-release/automate-github-releases
    "changelog": {
        "workspaceChangelog": {
            "createRelease": "github",
            "file": false
        "projectChangelogs": true
    //* https://nx.dev/recipes/nx-release/customize-conventional-commit-types
    "conventionalCommits": {
        "types": {
            "perf": true,
            "docs": true

} `