jildertviet / TIYCS

This Is Your Captain Speaking
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"Alive" pings are broadcasted, so 'idle' gets unstable #47

Open jildertviet opened 2 years ago

jildertviet commented 2 years ago

A Jonisk starts broadcasting pings when it hasn't received msgs for x seconds. But when one does, another receives this, and thinks it isn't idle.

To do: ignore this type of message when determening if idle or not.

jildertviet commented 2 years ago

Alive ping is: 'a' + 4 chars that form a float of the battery pct. So in OnDataRecv the first char 'a' is ignored as a valid messages.

This way Jonisks broadcast to eachother, but don't reset eachother idle-ness... 414f63b