jildertviet / TIYCS

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Actual placement of Jonisks for pattern generation #88

Closed jildertviet closed 1 year ago

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

See: placementGui dir (run: http-server) And WebView example. Add: webview.onJavaScriptMsg = {|webview, msg| msg.postln; };

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

Pattern via connection-lines? Or via grid: cells and colums. Pattern0: vertical chaser Pattern1: horizontal chaser Pattern2: rows sequence Pattern3: colums sequence

Latter seems more flexible.

Grid-size? 25 Jonisks. What is max width? Most extreme is 2 rows? Or 1 row... ?

Grid of 25 * 25? All options.

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

Perhaps another GUI for this: Just a 25 x 25 grid, and text input to fill in the ID, based on the position.

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

Try this interface:

w = Window().front;
a = { { NumberBox(w).value_(-1).background_(Color.gray)} ! 5 } ! 10;
w.layout = HLayout(*a.collect { |x| VLayout(*x) });

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

There's a grid-based GUI. Patterns are stored in TIYCS object: var <> patterns In main.sc there's an example to assign the location-based pattern to the Jonisks: ~j.sequence = t.patterns[0] 421a162 in J_Pseudo.