jildertviet / ofxJVisuals

Personal project for generating realtime visuals.
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Arc function in ofxSvg #24

Closed jildertviet closed 1 year ago

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

As a mask of JRectangle? Or link a JImage to a JRectangle?

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

ofxSvg doesn't like A An SVG with c works... TinySVG compatibility issue?

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

There's a commit which refers to the arc problem?

Try to run OF from GitHub, and edit this file to get the master branch of libsvgtiny: https://github.com/openframeworks/apothecary/blob/930be8e97295d19f181844851260950f630bffc4/apothecary/formulas/svgtiny/svgtiny.sh (Change the VER, so a different branch is picked?)

Perhaps use the Docker img to run this, for the building...

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

The build of the .a succeeded with docker. (Had to commit the install of gperf). Next: test the .a If it works, modify the formula so it takes the newest (unreleased) branch.

jildertviet commented 1 year ago

First edit the formulas/svgtiny/svgtiny.h so it clones the master branch (instead of the latest release). First call ./apothecary remove svgtiny via docker. Then I could rebuild, with update Replace the .h and .a file in the addons folder. Now the arc works!