jildertviet / ofxJVisuals

Personal project for generating realtime visuals.
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Test JModifierRedraw #50

Closed jildertviet closed 10 months ago

jildertviet commented 10 months ago

Almost. When drawing with another mode, the buffer needs to be set as well with this mode...

The mode in JWaveform isn't a pure drawmode, but also an 'setFromBuffer'-mode :/

jildertviet commented 10 months ago

Give modifier an own update()? The buffer is set, so it only needs to call the function that generates the mesh.

jildertviet commented 10 months ago

In a loop() both updateModes (0: construct a path, 1: construct a mesh) are used then... But OK for now.

jildertviet commented 10 months ago
