jillytot / polyKnights_Clean

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Spawn Player v1 #13

Closed jillytot closed 10 years ago

jillytot commented 10 years ago

Create a game object that spawns a player and assigns components,

Use the "player" prefab found in "terrain Test" scene to base this from. Each player needs to be assigned a player number (thisPlayer enum from damageControl Script), The player number is currently tied to which controller is used for which player(I want to change this later)

Each player will eventually have a class assignment (swordy, thief, etc... ), right now myClass enum in playerMovement script is set to swordy by default. There will be more classes soon.

Each player also needs a color assigned, this color will be their default material color

Variables that use player color: Player Prefab: Player / chickFillet / chickFillet_mesh (skinned mesh renderer component) material, Player (player movement component) storeMat, CameraMan Prefab: cameraMan / battleCam / playerStats / playerInfo (TextMesh component color),

It's ok if this "player spawner" has to be manually edited to assign color and number, eventually we will make a more dynamic system. I just want to have to make complicated changes to character prefabs 8 times which is what i am currently doing.

jillytot commented 10 years ago

Ok i missed one thing, i'm sorry this is my fault, but totally badass otherwise. On the player prefab, player/FX/direction also needs to be assigned based on the color.