jim-easterbrook / python-gphoto2

Python interface to libgphoto2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
357 stars 59 forks source link

Github Actions Python 3.12 environment. #168

Closed mgineer85 closed 6 months ago

mgineer85 commented 6 months ago

Your system What version of Python are you using? Github Actions runner: https://github.com/photobooth-app/photobooth-app/actions/runs/7348295688/job/20006179285#step:7:196

What version of libgphoto2 have you installed? None.

How have you installed (or attempted to install) python-gphoto2? Via PDM as pip-package (not enforcing binary install).

Your problem While the runner with python version 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 seem to work fine, starting the same workflow results in an error for python 3.12 from the matrix: https://github.com/photobooth-app/photobooth-app/actions/runs/7348295688/job/20006179285#step:7:196

I saw your installation in actions last time finished correctly, but do not understand why. Maybe the underlying actions system changed the last 2 month slightly?

mgineer85 commented 6 months ago

Sorry, it seems the issue was (at least partially) about the pdm.lock file that needed to be updated to cover the binaries for version 3.12 also.

Still it seems it builds the wheel on the hosted runner because it takes for version 3.12 quite long to install.