jim-easterbrook / python-gphoto2

Python interface to libgphoto2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Get list of available config OOP #30

Closed birkanozer closed 6 years ago

birkanozer commented 7 years ago

Hi Jim,

I want to list all available config options like camera-gui-config-oop.py file by using oop stracture. I inspected codebase but I'm not expert on C or SWIG. I tried camera.get_config(context) and it returns a SWIG object. How can i convert it to list or dict of possible values?

jim-easterbrook commented 7 years ago

The object returned by camera.get_config is a 'widget' (the name libgphoto2 uses) that is the root of the config tree structure. It has methods such as config.count_children to get the number of child widgets and config.get_child to get a particular child. The widget layout varies with camera type, but is unlikely to be a simple list or dict, unless you use 'compound' keys such as settings.autopoweroff for the autopoweroff child of the settings node.

The 'leaf' nodes on the tree have methods like config.get_value to get the actual camera settings.

PS sorry about the earlier (deleted) reply - I hadn't read your question properly.

birkanozer commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the answer. Here is a working example based on your description:

import gphoto2 as gp

context = gp.Context()
camera = gp.Camera()
config_tree = camera.get_config(context)

total_child = config_tree.count_children()
for i in range(total_child):
    child = config_tree.get_child(i)
    text_child = '# ' + child.get_label() + ' ' + child.get_name()

    for a in range(child.count_children()):
        grandchild = child.get_child(a)
        text_grandchild = '    * ' + grandchild.get_label() + ' -- ' + grandchild.get_name()

            text_grandchild_value = '        Setted: ' + grandchild.get_value()
            print('        Possibilities:')
            for k in range(grandchild.count_choices()):
                choice = grandchild.get_choice(k)
                text_choice = '         - ' + choice

jim-easterbrook commented 7 years ago

Never, ever, do this:


Remember that SyntaxError is an exception which you are now ignoring. That makes fixing errors in your code more difficult. Be as specific as you can about the exceptions you want to catch and let others (the unexpected ones) propagate as normal.

birkanozer commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the advice ;)

M4lF3s commented 2 years ago

Hi :wave:

Sorry I just stumbled across this Thread and wanted to chip in my solution, since I wanted to do a similar thing (I think). Now I know that this is by far not a perfect solution, since as Jim already mentioned the Structure of the Configuration Tree may very well vary from Camera to Camera. In my particular case I am using a Canon EOS M6 Mark II, but I thought maybe this is helpful for others too.

Now if you´re only interested in the actual Configuration Parameters and their values, you don´t really need the Information about the Hierarchy in between the Nodes. Only the Leafs and their Values.

So for that you can parse the Config into a nice little Dictionary like so:

config_leafs = {config_tree.get_child(i).get_child(a).get_name(): config_tree.get_child(i).get_child(a).get_value() for i in range(config_tree.count_children()) for a in range(config_tree.get_child(i).count_children())}

which would result in a dict like this:

  'syncdatetimeutc': 0, 
  'syncdatetime': 0, 
  'uilock': 2,

But if you actually want to preserve the Hierarchy Information I came up with this monstrosity:

config = {
  child.get_name(): dict(
    **{grandchild.get_name(): {
      'label': grandchild.get_label(),
      'set_value': grandchild.get_value(),
      'possible_values': grandchild.get_type()==gp.GP_WIDGET_RADIO or grandchild.get_type()==gp.GP_WIDGET_MENU and [grandchild.get_choice(k) for k in range(grandchild.count_choices())] or []
    } for grandchild in [child.get_child(a) for a in range(child.count_children())]}
  ) for child in [config_tree.get_child(i) for i in range(config_tree.count_children())]

This actually gives you a dict like this:

  <child_name>: {
    'label': <child_label>,
    <grandchild_name>: {
      'label': <grandchild_label>,
      'set_value': <grandchild_value>,
      'possible_values': [<grandchild_choice(1)>, <grandchild_choice(2)>, ...]

The Problem with the 'possible_values' is that they only exist in some 'grandchild Nodes'. I guess that was the reason for the except: pass part. But the Documentation of libgphoto2 states that count_choices() and get_choice() should be avaibable for Camera Widgets of type GP_WIDGET_RADIO and GP_WIDGET_MENU. Hence the wild Logic Operations there :sweat_smile: (I just learned that this technique is actually called "short circuiting" :+1: )

Now like I said. This is by no means a perfect solution. And since I am really neither a Expert in Python nor in the underlying C I can´t actually decide if I find this code really cool or totally unmaintainable :smile: (maybe both) but I figured since I already took the time I would just share the results in case it helps someone else too :slightly_smiling_face: