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FIX protocol on blockchain
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trading session application message #77

Closed uwezukwechibuzor closed 1 year ago

uwezukwechibuzor commented 1 year ago

Trading Session Status Request: A Trading Session Status Request is a message sent by a market participant or trading system to request information about the current status of a trading session. It is used to inquire about the state of a specific trading session, such as whether it is open, closed, pre-closed, or scheduled to start or end at a certain time. The request includes various parameters such as the trading session ID, market ID, trading session date and time, and other relevant details. The purpose of the request is to obtain real-time information about the status of a trading session for decision-making or operational purposes.

Trading Session Status: A Trading Session Status is a message or response that provides information about the current status of a trading session. It is sent in response to a Trading Session Status Request or can be periodically broadcasted by the trading system to inform market participants about the ongoing state of the trading session. The Trading Session Status message includes details such as the trading session ID, status (open, closed, pre-closed, etc.), start and end times, trading volume, high and low prices, and other relevant information. It helps market participants stay updated on the progress of the trading session, enabling them to make informed trading decisions.

Trading Session Status Request Reject: A Trading Session Status Request Reject is a response message sent by the trading system to reject or indicate the failure of a Trading Session Status Request. It is sent when the requested trading session status information cannot be provided or when the request is deemed invalid or not supported by the trading system. The reject message typically includes a reason code or text explaining the rejection, which can be due to invalid request parameters, lack of permission, or other system-specific reasons. It informs the requesting party that the trading session status information they requested cannot be retrieved or is not available at that time.

uwezukwechibuzor commented 1 year ago

Trading session status request fields

Field Tag Description Mandatory Data Type
Message Type 35 Identifies the message type as a Trading Session Status Request message. Yes String
TradingSessionID 336 Identifies the specific trading session for which status is requested. Yes String
TradingSessionSubID 625 Identifies a specific sub-session or sub-segment within a trading session. No String
TradSesReqID 335 Unique identifier assigned by the party generating the request. No String
MarketID 1301 Identifies the market or exchange for which the trading session status is requested. No String
SubscriptionRequest 263 Indicates whether the request is for a one-time snapshot or subscription for updates. No Boolean
SecurityID 48 Identifier for the security being traded in the session. No String
SecurityIDSource 22 Identifies the source of the security identifier. No String
Symbol 55 Symbol representing the security being traded in the session. No String
SecurityExchange 207 Exchange where the security is listed. No String
MarketSegmentID 1300 Identifies the specific market segment or sector within the trading session. No String
TradSesReqType 263 Type of trading session status request. No Integer
TradSesSubReqType 123 Sub-type of trading session status request. No Integer
TradSesMethod 338 Method used to determine the trading session. No Integer
TradSesMode 339 Mode of trading for the trading session. No Integer
TradingSessionDate 336 Date of the trading session for which status is requested. No String
TradingSessionTime 338 Time of the trading session for which status is requested. No String
TradingSessionSubTime 1147 Time of the sub-session or sub-segment within a trading session. No String
ExpirationDate 432 Date and time when the trading session status request is no longer valid and should be disregarded. No String
ApplID 1180 Identifies the application submitting the request. No String
ApplBeginSeqNo 1182 Identifies the starting sequence number of the application messages for the request. No Integer
ApplEndSeqNo 1183 Identifies the ending sequence number of the application messages for the request. No Integer

uwezukwechibuzor commented 1 year ago

Trading session status

Field Tag Description Mandatory Data Type
Message Type 35 Identifies the message type as a Trading Session Status message. Yes String
TradingSessionID 336 Identifies the specific trading session. Yes String
TradSesStatus 340 Indicates the current status of the trading session. Yes Integer
TradSesStatusRejReason 567 Provides a reason for rejecting or invalidating a trading session status. No Integer
TradSesStartTime 341 Time at which the trading session is scheduled to start. No String
TradSesOpenTime 342 Time at which the trading session opens. No String
TradSesPreCloseTime 343 Time at which the trading session pre-closes. No String
TradSesCloseTime 344 Time at which the trading session closes. No String
TradSesEndTime 345 Time at which the trading session is scheduled to end. No String
TotalVolumeTraded 387 Total quantity of contracts or shares traded during the trading session. No Integer
TradSesHighPx 1149 Highest price traded during the trading session. No Decimal
TradSesLowPx 1148 Lowest price traded during the trading session. No Decimal
SecurityID 48 Identifier for the security being traded in the session. No String
SecurityIDSource 22 Identifies the source of the security identifier. No String
Symbol 55 Symbol representing the security being traded in the session. No String
SecurityExchange 207 Exchange where the security is listed. No String
MarketSegmentID 1300 Identifies the specific market segment or sector within the trading session. No String
MarketID 1301 Identifies the market or exchange for the trading session. No String

uwezukwechibuzor commented 1 year ago

Trading session status request reject

Field Tag Description Mandatory Data Type
Message Type 35 Identifies the message type as a Trading Session Status Request Reject message. Yes String
RefSeqNum 45 Reference sequence number of the rejected request message. No Integer
RefMsgType 372 Message type of the rejected request. No String
SessionRejectReason 373 Code indicating the reason for rejecting the trading session status request. Yes Integer
Text 58 Free-form text providing additional information about the rejection. No String

uwezukwechibuzor commented 1 year ago

In most implementations of the FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol, it is typically the client or "buy side" that initiates messages such as the "Trading Session Status Request." The client sends this message to request the current status of the trading session from the server or "sell side."

The client's ability to initiate requests allows them to actively retrieve information and make informed decisions based on the current state of the market. It follows the request-response pattern, where the client initiates the request, and the server responds with the requested information.

Similarly, in other interactions within the FIX protocol, like submitting new orders (New Order Single), requesting market data (Market Data Request), or inquiring about order status (Order Status Request), it is the client that typically initiates the messages. The client drives the communication by sending requests and receiving responses from the server.

However, it's important to note that the FIX protocol is flexible, and implementations can vary based on specific business requirements and customization. In some cases, there may be scenarios where the server or trading venue can also initiate certain messages based on predefined events or conditions. These variations depend on the specific implementation and the agreed-upon communication protocols between the client and the server.