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Request for Alternate Auto Calibrating #1

Open dcwalmsley opened 8 years ago

dcwalmsley commented 8 years ago

I came across this URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcGFLwj0pnA) where Thomas Sanladerer explains how to incorporate a induction sensor and code into Marlin. Since I do not have program experience I wanted to request help with this idea. I have a proximity sensor mounted and physically calibrated on the platform where the extruder is mounted and I have confirmed that the SENS pins is seeing the sensor, but this version of firmware does take advantage of this sensor.

I cannot afford t have the extruder driving into my build plates (zebra plate) as it is not made of glass and can be damaged from this originator's firmware calibration process.

Is there anyone out there who can rebuild OLP firmware to allow this type of sensor?

I believe the code I'm asking to be embedded and is discussed in the You Tube video comes from this firmware URL (https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/RC/Marlin/Configuration.h)

chrisdug commented 8 years ago

Doug, I replied on your thread on the forum.  I can not help you code as that is not my thing, but I had a couple of suggestions in my post.  Please feel free to contact me with any question? Best Regards,Doug

  From: Doug Walmsley <notifications@github.com>

To: jimaobian/MarlinForOverlord MarlinForOverlord@noreply.github.com Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:45 PM Subject: [MarlinForOverlord] Request for Alternate Auto Calibrating (#1)

I came across this URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcGFLwj0pnA) where Thomas Sanladerer explains how to incorporate a induction sensor and code into Marlin. Since I do not have program experience I wanted to request help with this idea. I have a proximity sensor mounted and physically calibrated on the platform where the extruder is mounted and I have confirmed that the SENS pins is seeing the sensor, but this version of firmware does take advantage of this sensor.I cannot afford t have the extruder driving into my build plates (zebra plate) as it is not made of glass and can be damaged from this originator's firmware calibration process.Is there anyone out there who can rebuild OLP firmware to allow this type of sensor?— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

chexov commented 8 years ago

Hi @dcwalmsley. I have OLP on my desk. What sensor model are you using and do you already have sensor mount part? If so please share design so I can print one and create test setup. I don't have sensor part as for now but not mind helping to tune this.

dcwalmsley commented 8 years ago

Hi Anton,

Check out the YouTube video link I posted in my blogs. Of note, you Do Not need to soldier resistor inline sensor wiring as the pin46 (SEN) on OLP supplies 5vdc and all you need to do is connect a plug onto the wires coming from the inductive sensor. The pinout on the SEN as you look at the board atop of extruder is 5vdc closer to front, ground is center pin,
signal is aft pin.

I will send you my email I send Dreammaker folks shortly which covers more than what I have in this email.

R, Doug Walmsley

On February 13, 2016 4:55:18 AM "Anton P. Linevich" notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @dcwalmsley. I have OLP on my desk. What sensor model are you using and do you already have sensor mount part? If so please share design so I can print one and create test setup. I don't have sensor part as for now but not mind helping to tune this.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/jimaobian/MarlinForOverlord/issues/1#issuecomment-183633740

dcwalmsley commented 8 years ago


Please contact me if there is anything I missed on this topic. Below is the email I sent to Dreammaker support group and Gabriel @ dfrobot.

From: Doug Walmsley Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 6:00 PM To: 'support@dreammaker.cc' support@dreammaker.cc; 'gabriel.ni@dfrobot.com' gabriel.ni@dfrobot.com Subject: Request for Induction Sensor - Auto-Tramming into Marlin Firmware


I looking for help with something I feel will benefit the Overlord Printers. The current auto-calibration process in your firmware setup is designed to press into the glass to detect and record the z-height in all 6 positions. Although this seems to work for the most part I have discovered that no matter how many times I calibrate it, it never seems to work 100%. I've found that there is a bit of warping that the aluminum plate produces at any given temperature and I have had no real success with ABS adhering to the plate no matter what method I use (painter's tape, capon tape, hair spray, glue stick, etc.).

In the photos I attached, you will that I use a Zebra-plate as my printing surface. It has shown promise for printing many materials without all the adhesion processes as listed above but still a bit tricky with Nylon and ABS materials. It does have a copper plate embedded that the induction sensor detects at approximately 1 mm from plate and is still high enough away to not impede the printed material that has been extruded.

So here is what I'm asking help with. I am no programmer and I do not know how to cut and paste and verify code from the Auto Leveling section of https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin to embed into your open source github firmware. See my issue submitted here https://github.com/jimaobian/MarlinForOverlord/issues/1.

The YouTube video from Thomas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb8Rde3uRL1ohROUVg46h1A Sanladerer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcGFLwj0pnA) provides in great detail how to setup Auto-Tramming.

I placed my request out in http://www.dreammaker.cc/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7 http://www.dreammaker.cc/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=245&p=2594#p2594 &t=245&p=2594#p2594 and http://www.dreammaker.cc/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9 http://www.dreammaker.cc/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=140&start=100 &t=140&start=100 and not much in the way of anyone at this time wanting to jump on this idea and produce a variant of the MarlinOLP code to take advantage of a process I think has merit. For one no more calibrating by pressing the extruder into the build glass plate or dimpling the Zebra Plate (http://www.printinz.com/zebra-plates/). And this process will help calibrate and compensate the print head to work with an unlevelled or warping plate and help produce a strong first layer of material on the build plate.

Pictures attached show the Induction sensor mounted to the left of extruder. Extruder is the E3D V6 extruder mounted in the "E3D V6 hotend mount kit for the Overlord printers v1" (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1017252) from Thingiverse and a Zebra Plate from Printinz.com. I Also drilled a 12 mm hole on the aft side of the extruder plate where I tested different contact switches before I decided to go with an inductive sensor. 20160212_170612-small 20160212_170549-small 20160212_170558-small

Appreciate if someone could contact me and discuss if there will be support with this idea.

Thank you and Happy New Year to you.

R, Doug Walmsley Kickstarter Overlord supporter #621

dcwalmsley commented 8 years ago

@chexov, See my latest response in this github section for pictures of sensor and my modified printer assembly. I cut a piece of clear acrylic and drilled a 12mm center hole for the sensor and two 3 mm holes aligned with the screw holes already on the OLP printer assembly. Hope this helps.