jimasp / behave-vsc

A vscode extension that provides a test runner/debugger and navigation for Python behave tests
15 stars 3 forks source link

Initial release? #18

Closed mike-oakley closed 2 years ago

mike-oakley commented 2 years ago


Loving this extension. Could you cut a non-prerelease version so I can set it to be installed by default in devcontainers? As its pre-release I can't install it by default 😢


jimasp commented 2 years ago


The plan is to get a proper release out in the next couple of months if I can get enough time. (Before that happens, I have to get out a final pre-release first, as I want the code to be relatively stable/feature complete before first release version).

In the meantime, I don't have any experience with devcontainers, but...

First, If you haven't already, I'd check that specifying a specific version in your json doesn't work? e.g. something like this: "extensions": ["jimasp.behave-vsc@0.4.0"] or maybe? this: "extensions": ["jimasp.behave-vsc@prerelease"]

Assuming those fail, you can instead use the .vsix file and install that way.

This opens up a few options (these are all untested as I don't have a devcontainer to play with):

  1. Use a postCreateCommand setting in your devcontainer json: code --install-extension jimasp.behave-vsc@prerelease (not sure about the context of this command of local vs remote, you might need something like ./.devcontainer/postCreateCommand.sh)

  2. Use dockerFile setting in your devcontainer json and install however you like.

  3. Use the "dev container CLI", possibly with your CI build.

  4. Download locally, then install from a local disk curl https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/jimasp/vsextensions/behave-vsc/0.4.0/vspackage or curl https://github.com/jimasp/behave-vsc/releases/download/v0.4.0/behave-vsc-0.4.0.vsix curl/copy to vscode folder then add this to your devcontainer json "extensions": ["(vscode folder)/behave-vsc-0.4.0.vsix"] (See here for more on this last option)

mike-oakley commented 2 years ago

Ah nice one - adding @prerelease did it. I'll look forward to the initial release. Keep up the good work!