jimeh / tmux-themepack

A pack of various Tmux themes.
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Add pane synchronization status on right #20

Open karnh opened 5 years ago

karnh commented 5 years ago

Please add an indicator to show if all panes in window are synchronized or not. It helps a lot when multiple panes are open and you are switching between synchronized and unsynchronized mode.

I made following change to basic theme to make this work - set -g status-right "#{?pane_synchronized, #[fg=yellow]SYNC #[fg=white]«#[default], } #H #[fg=white]« #[fg=yellow]%H:%M:%S #[fg=green]%d-%b-%y".

it looks like following - 2018-11-20 12_04_10--bash

jimeh commented 5 years ago

I did not that was possible :O... I should get it in this week hopefully along with some other work :)

jimeh commented 4 years ago

@karnh This is implemented in PR #34 at the moment. If you could have a look to see what you think, that'd be great :)