jimeh / tmux-themepack

A pack of various Tmux themes.
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How to configure status #51

Closed AxewBoTX closed 3 months ago

AxewBoTX commented 1 year ago

I want to remove some things from the status bar and edit somethings too. I want to completely remove the right status. Also, I want to add a little windows or ubuntu icon to the extreme left of my status. How can i do that?

liiil825 commented 1 year ago

That's what i need

I want to modify date format and pane name is not changed then I run command select-pane -T NewName

mflorin commented 11 months ago

@liiil825 @AxewBoTX - I think it suffices to set @themepack-status-right-area-left-format , ...-area-middle-format and ...area-right-format like so:

set -goq @themepack-status-right-area-left-format "leftmost string on the right side"
set -goq @themepack-status-right-area-middle-format "middle string on the right side"
set -goq @themepack-status-right-area-right-format "rightmost string on the right side"

For example here's how I've replaced the rightmost side with git info:

set -g @themepack 'powerline/default/cyan'
set -goq @themepack-status-right-area-right-format '#(gitmux "#{pane_current_path}")'
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'