jimgoo / caffe-oxford102

Caffe CNNs for the Oxford 102 flower dataset
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type: IMAGE_DATA ? #9

Open zhuhongyue opened 7 years ago

zhuhongyue commented 7 years ago

the layer is:

layers {
  name: "data"
  type: IMAGE_DATA
  top: "data"
  top: "label"
  image_data_param {
    #source: "/home/ubuntu/git/caffe-oxford102/train.txt"
        source: "/home/ubuntu/git/caffe-oxford102/test.txt" # Flipped
    batch_size: 50
    new_height: 256
    new_width: 256
  transform_param {
    crop_size: 227
    mean_file: "/home/ubuntu/caffe/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
    mirror: true
  include: { phase: TRAIN }

erro is: Unknown layer type: ImageData (known types: AbsVal, Accuracy, ArgMax, BNLL, BatchNorm, BatchReindex, Bias, Concat, ContrastiveLoss, Convolution, Crop, Data, Deconvolution, Dropout, DummyData, ELU, Eltwise, Embed, EuclideanLoss, Exp, Filter, Flatten, HDF5Data, HDF5Output, HingeLoss, Im2col, InfogainLoss, InnerProduct, Input, LRN, LSTM, LSTMUnit, Log, MVN, MemoryData, MultinomialLogisticLoss, PReLU, Parameter, Pooling, Power, Python, RNN, ReLU, Reduction, Reshape, SPP, Scale, Sigmoid, SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss, Silence, Slice, Softmax, SoftmaxWithLoss, Split, TanH, Threshold, Tile)

jimgoo commented 7 years ago

I was using the version of Caffe circa 2 years ago, so it's probably some change that removed the ImageData layer.