jimhigson / oboe.js

A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
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JSONTestSuite test results #171

Open l1bbcsg opened 6 years ago

l1bbcsg commented 6 years ago

There's this Parsing JSON is a Minefield article which details various issues (mostly in edge cases) across different JSON parsers.

Its author produced a test suit to test various implementations. I've run this test suit against Oboe (on node 9.6.1), results compared to native JSON.parse are below (successful tests not shown).

Generally, I think the results are good. But there's one thing that Oboe does different from native implementation (and others): It allows some malformed inputs slide where JSON.parse does not.

I'm raising this issue more for the purposes of discussion. What do you think, should this be addressed?

Results screenshot




Snippet I used to run Oboe (derived from their JSON.parse):

var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.argv[2];
var oboe = require('oboe');

try {
    var stream = fs.createReadStream(path);
    oboe(stream).fail(function(e) {
        if (e.thrown)
            throw e.thrown;
} catch (e) {
    console.log("--", e.message)


Note that at the time of writing the test runner has a really weird bug preventing it from running which isn't hard to patch out though.

I'm a bit confused on relationship between Oboe and Clarinet, website states Oboe is based on Clarinet, but I don't see it as a dependancy and the test results of Oboe are somewhat different from Clarinet. If you do have any interest in Clarinet, I opened a similar issues there: https://github.com/dscape/clarinet/issues/49.