discovering the domain concepts( the objects of the problem domain)
investigation of the problem
Object-Oriented Design
defining software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements
logical solution
Applying UML
conceptual perspective: describe things in a situation of the real world or domain of interest
sw specification perspective: describe sw abstractions or components with specifications and interfaces, but no commitment to a particular implementation
sw implementation perspective: describe sw implementations in a particular technology
UP domain model is usually both started and completed in the elaboration
most important classic model in OOA
related but, not identical to “domain layer” in software architecture
domain layer: related to OOD not OOA. domain model is related to OOA
illustrates noteworthy concepts in a domain.
it helps us to understand the domain during early elaboration iterations
source of inspiration for designing software objects and classes.
inspires the software classes of the domain layer in the design model.
prevent software from being far away from the reality of the domain
lower representation gap between concepts in the domain and the concepts in the domain layer
Use software class names in the domain layer inspired from names in the domain model, with objects having domain-familiar information and responsibilities.
a visual representation of conceptual classes or real- situation objects in a domain.
it's not a picture of a software class.
Sale+attribute(o), SalesDatabase(x), Sale + methods (x)
focuses on explaining things and products important to a business domain
also called conceptual models, domain object models, analysis object models
does not contain software objects
illustrated with a set of class diagram without operations
this is the first, best and usually easiest approach
there are published, well-crafted domain models and data models for many common domains
using category list
category - conceptual class examples
identification of noun phrases
identify the nouns and noun phrases in a textual description of the domain.
mechanical noun-to-class mapping might not be possible since natural language is ambiguous
draw the identified conceptual classes in a UML class diagram
add associations and attributes to conceptual classes
Receipt Object
the object seems to be noteworthy item
but it's only a report of other objects
-> duplicate information
Attributes v.s. Classes
If we do not think of X as a number or text in the real world, X is probably a conceptual class, not an attribute.
Sale- store (x), Sale, Store-phoneNumber
Flight-destination (x), Flight, Airport-name
Description Class
contains information that describes something else.
add a description class when:
there needs to be a description about an item or service, independent of the current existence of any examples of those items or services.
deleting instances of things they describe (for example, Item) results in a loss of information that needs to be maintained, but was incorrectly associated with the deleted thing.
it reduces redundant or duplicated information.
some meaningful and interesting connection.
in UML: the semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that involve connections among their instances.
need-to-remember association: associations for which knowledge of the relationship needs to be preserved for some duration
associations derived from the Common Associations List
transaction, role, physically or logically contained in/on, description, known, logged, reported, captured, member of, organizational subunit, uses or manages or owns, next to
an association in the domain model is meaningful in a purely conceptual perspective in the real domain.
many such relationships will be implemented in software as paths of navigation and visibility
but, the domain model is not a data model
two classes may have multiple associations between them.
a logical data value of an object.
information that we need to remember.
in UML: shown in the second compartment of the class box.
visibility name : type multiplicity = default {property-string}
visibility: + (public), - (private), # (protected) or ~ (package)
name: the name of the variable
type: a data type such as Integer, Date, String etc.
multiplicity: the multiplicity of the variable
default: the default value for the variable
property-string: a property of the variable such as {readOnly} or {frozen}
If an attribute is derivable, use / symbol before the attribute name.
Applying UML