jiminghe / Xsens_MTi_ROS_Driver_and_Ntrip_Client

Xsens MTi ROS Driver and Ntrip Client, modified based on the 2023 official ROS Driver and added Ntrip Client
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xsens status while using ntrip and rtk signal is not changing to RTK fix #3

Closed MortezaAliyari closed 2 weeks ago

MortezaAliyari commented 4 months ago

Hi there, I was using the ros1 (https://github.com/jiminghe/Xsens_MTi_ROS_Driver_and_Ntrip_Client) package and by using the proper username and password, I was receiving an RTK signal both in FIX and Floating type during navigation. I was using Ubuntu 18 and ros1 melodic. But after migrating to the ROS2 humble version,changing the OS to Ubuntu 22.04 and using (https://github.com/jiminghe/Xsens_MTi_ROS_Driver_and_Ntrip_Client) driver from the ros2 branch, RTK fix situation rarely happened. I always check the xsens_statustopic from the driver which most of the time changes from 0 to 1. so rarely type two (RTK FIX) is observed. However, by using the same hardware and device and only switching to ros1 I'm receiving an RTK fix signal. Is there any idea why RTK type 2 rarely happening? Thanks

jiminghe commented 4 months ago

Hi, I think the problem might be that you need to select the PvtData in the Output Configuration, I had updated the Output Configuration image of ROS2 to the same one with ROS1. Let me know if it works.

MortezaAliyari commented 3 months ago

@jiminghe thanks for your reply. PvtData was checked. For a while, I'm recieving RTK FIX information and then I don't have it at all, or at least Mti 680G is not receiving it. Now i have another question! Without using the driver how can check whether device receives the RTK FIX information or not. As I said I don't have this issue with ros1 driver, however they are connected to the same network and hardware!

jiminghe commented 2 months ago


Hi, I updated the ROS2 Driver's ntrip_util.cpp ad nmeapublisher.h to handle only the pvtdata and corrected the fixtype, previously the fixtype was using the Xsens PvtData fixtype, which is different than the NMEA GPGGA fixtype. I tested for 6min, and I could get RTK Float 16 seconds after the GNSS Fix, then after about 8 seconds, I could get RTK Fix, and the RTK Fix continues for the whole testing process(of course, the antenna was installed on the top of the car, with a clear sky view).

Please help to test at your end, to see if it works, thanks!

MortezaAliyari commented 2 months ago

@jiminghe I tried again with your new changes and still is the same as before. Screenshot from 2024-04-15 13-03-28

MortezaAliyari commented 1 month ago

I want to upgrade the Xsens firmware. I tried the last version of the firmware uploader software and one before the last one on win10. I couldn't upload the downloaded firmware, because it couldn't find the device! I checked the device manager USB part, mti convert is over there! i can find the devices through Linux mtmanager software and change the baudrate and config. I don't know why "firmware uploader " is not working. what should I do? regrads

AOEknabos commented 4 weeks ago

I am using ROS1 and have followed instructions from the readme, while using MTi-680G. I have the following questions to ask.

  1. I am having RTK status fluctuating between 1 and 2, an in some other instances 0. With rarely a stable value of 2 in a good network environment. I have Pvt Data set to true within the yaml file as i am not using the MT manager. How can i get stable RTK

  2. Is there a need to clear and rebuild completely the catkin workspace anytime i change parameters within the xsens_mti_node.yaml file?

  3. I am getting the below warning anytime i run: "roslaunch xsens_mti_driver xsens_mti_node.launch"

"[ WARN] [1717598740.055066905]: Rosnode time_option is using host controller's ros time, no recommended, use MT Manager - Device Settings - Output Configurations to select utc time or sample time fine, and set time_option to 0 or 1 in the xsens_mti_node.yaml file."

I am in addition to the ROS driver, running a script which uses my PC clock to record videos and i am cautious of time drift. I had set the time option to 2 to use my device clock.

  1. I am a bit confused about how to set PVtData to true away from the MT manager as it is not within xsen_mti_node.yaml
AOEknabos commented 4 weeks ago


I am having firmware warnings too. COuld it be causing my issues?

MortezaAliyari commented 3 weeks ago

@AOEknabos About your questions:

  1. No need to rebuild the workspace
  2. connect your device to Mtmanager and choose utc_time. if you have trouble to find the device check the boudrate.
  3. You should use Mtmanager software to check this option. But i also have same issue as you mentioned in Q1. it seems the solution relate to firmware and it need to be updated! I have win10 and the new and old version(4.3) of firmware uploader is not working properly. so i can't update my firmware. I don't know if anyone else has this issue with firmware uploader.
MortezaAliyari commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is solved by upgrading the firmware of the device. The case is closed