jiminghe / Xsens_MTi_ROS_Driver_and_Ntrip_Client

Xsens MTi ROS Driver and Ntrip Client, modified based on the 2023 official ROS Driver and added Ntrip Client
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Ros Topic: No new messages #7

Open skepsl opened 1 month ago

skepsl commented 1 month ago

Hallo, thank you for providing the code for me to try.

I use the code to test my IMU xsens MTi-100, using ROS Noetic with ubuntu 20.04. Actually I tested the IMU using the mtmanager, and it works well. However, I have a problem when I try using ROS. so after building my WS, I run the roslaunch with display. I change the fixed frame in rviz into imu_link as noted. However, I could not get the data from the ros topic. when I echo the data from /imu/data, it says that the is no new messages, also when I run rostopic hz imu/data, it appears to be no data in the topic.

Hv you perhap ever encountered the same problem as me.? did I miss something during my setup?

Any help is really be appreciated Thank you,

jiminghe commented 1 month ago


You could firstly check your output configuration in MT Manager - Device Settings - Output Configuration, to make sure you have selected the RateOfTurn, Acceleration, then in the /imu/data, you should have the output, but you won't have the orientation(MTi-100 doesn't have orientation output).

skepsl commented 1 month ago

Hello, Thank you for quick response. It works on my PC of x86 architecture, but when I move the sensor into my robot, which has Nvidia Jetson Orin (ARM architecture), it shows "WARNING: topic [/imu/data] does not appear to be published yet", but I cannot open the mtmanager as it was on my PC. how should I address these issues ? thank you

jiminghe commented 1 month ago

For the Jetson Orin, you need to change the xsens_mti_node.yaml:

scan_for_devices: false
port: '/dev/ttyUSB0' # Uncomment and set your device's port.
baudrate: 115200     # Uncomment and set your device's baudrate.

If you had done the above steps, you could also use the Cutecom to check if you could receive the hex bytes: FA FF 36 ...:

sudo apt install cutecom

then in the terminal run:


Then click the settings to choose the right port and baudrate, click open, please check if you could receive the hex messages FA FF 36... from there.