Add a count value to our JSON response. Following JSON:API convention, this should be added as a key value pair with a key of "meta" at the same level as our "data" key. "meta" has a value of a hash ({}) and within that hash is the key value pair of "count": [integer]
Request examples:
GET /api/v1/posters
Example JSON response for GET /api/v1/posters
Returning Count This endpoint should:
Add a count value to our JSON response. Following JSON:API convention, this should be added as a key value pair with a key of "meta" at the same level as our "data" key. "meta" has a value of a hash ({}) and within that hash is the key value pair of "count": [integer] Request examples: GET /api/v1/posters Example JSON response for GET /api/v1/posters